Imagine a technology that combines formulation of bioactive natural products in a synthesis that sustains its effectiveness while safely transporting it in the air to neutralize dangerous pathogens like COVID-19. The technology has been developed over 20 years to combine the right balance of active neutralizing agent against deadly pathogens while maintaining its safe use by humans. Experience the science behind SafePass Clean Air.
Antimicrobial Agent
SafePass Clean Air is an anti-microbial agent which kills germs within 15 minutes by restricting the germ’s oxygen intake preventing it from growing and reproducing.
SafePass Clean Air has a neutralization process and is safer because it does not cause any release of mycotoxins (toxins from molds) from germs during the process.
Eliminates Bacteria, Viruses & Mold
When SafePass Clean Air comes into contact with airborne particulate matter or surfaces, the active ingredient in SafePass Clean Air causes bacteria and viruses to stop reproducing and mold to stop breathing.
Lasting Protection
​Continued use of SafePass Clean Air ensures long lasting protection from mold and bacteria.
SafePass Clean Air Before and After Results
Testing done before SafePass Clean Air is introduced into an indoor environment and 24 hours after SafePass Clean Air is introduced into an indoor environment. SafePass Clean Air reduces the airborne bacteria, viruses and mold by +99%.